Friday, December 18, 2009

Year Two of Obama Era

Time is really a leaf in the wind. Over a year has passed since the election of Barack Obama and we are entering year two. I would like to begin by posing a question to the Obama voter; well, what do you think Obama voter? Really what did you expect? Many on the progressive left and even further left saw this coming; but the tidal wave of "Hope and Change" had enormous wings and could not be stopped; along with the wind of the corporate and "People's" dollars alike. When does one draw a line in the sand and say, like they say in Latin America, "Ya Basta!" Enough! Is what Lenin said really what is necessary? "Sometimes things have to get worse to get better"? It looks like were on that path; and when there is no popular consensus on what is wrong with the state of U.S. democracy; then we are looking toward dark days, filled with racial and class antagonisms fueled by certain talking heads who rest comforably in their gold cages. Ok enough gloomy abstractions. Lets get concrete. The major issues of 2009 were Irac, Afghanistan, Pakistan,The Bailouts, Cophenhagen and Health Care. This one has fallin to the collective amnesia. Generally, the war in Iraq is not over and bases have been built that will remain for at least the next 100 years; along with the thousands of miltary and sub contracted personnel that will guard these fortresses with the most impressive weaponry. Afghanistan is "the necessary war" according to 2009 peace laureate Obama. The escalation of troops will exceed 30-35 thousand which is the largest single escalation of troops since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Pakistan is another adventure the Obama administration has engaged in. This has been done with no congressional approval (that im aware of) or the approval of the Security Council. Double violation of national and international law!. Ok, ill leave it alone this is a blog dont mean to bug ya. The bailouts? well they have saved or produced 3 million jobs right? With this government cheese we have been able to sustain 10% unemployment. What an achievement! considering the unemployment rate only counts those receiving unemployment compensation and people that have been looking for work for the past two months. What is the rate really and what are social and opportunity costs? Ah Copenhagen, a non binding agreement was signed! Translation=An agreement with no legal effect that cannot be enforced was signed! A handprint or a happy face with a big middle finger drawn by the economically developed countries would have been much more respectful, particulary to the economically undeveloped countries who will suffer; primarily the cursed continent of Africa who are cursed because of having these natural resources that we salivate for (syncs cobalt addicted Ipod as continously types). Oh ya the Maldives and Tulago (spell check) might follow Atlantis. Those damn Reds in China. they did nothing! shame, shame on them! well why the fuck did they do nothing? well because the U.S. demanded China set targets. If China did, then the U.S. would have...uh.. they would have do absolutely nothing!!? Reminds of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, A big success! Anyway (Ipod done with sync cant wait to use the four track recording app; did I tell you about that? oh ok, let me finish this downer blog entry) last but not least healthcare. Everytime I watch MSNBC and Chris Matthews (kind of a dick), Rachel Maddow, Keith Oberman (those sick puppies!) are interviewing senators on the "left"; they all tend to agree that single payer medical for all is the way to go. The "Public Option" was a compromise they would accept; Well, that fizzled out largely with Obama's help or non help? Then came lowering the age to qualify for Medical to 55! Promising perhaps? well dont ponder to long it is out was well! Now all that is gone and we have the mandate for everyone to purchase insurance whether they want to or not. We can argue the mandate; from a left and right prospective and make valid points. But I need to end this blog entry because I need to make a decision as to whether I will have a chicken salad for lunch or chicken soup at Pollo Loco.. Ok lets get down to cash. Single Payer would increase our taxes by approximately 2% of our income and everyone is covered. Ok here is the body outlined in chalk; thats 2% will go to the government!! and they will redestribute to providers not insurance companies to provide actual medical services!! Oh no! fuck..dont worry take a deep breath..Now the mandate will go to private insurance corporations and will cost (drum roll...) up to 8%. Now this healthcare thing is complicated but thats a 8% tax increase. Now I dare pose the question 2% for everyone or 8% to some under the current system. Look this one up because I dont have the time or patience to go further. Ill leave you with a couple links regarding the bill that is for and against within the "left" if you interested. Only if your intersted. Remember Please research these important issues for yourself, dont trust me..What a year huh?

Gfernandez MPA